A web developer, named Tucker Wray, on his balcony wearing a turquoise shirt and a striped vest.

current endeavours

I currently nourish my growth mindset and apply my love of D-I-Y at Lambda School Academy of Web Development, Data Sciences and Software Engineering where I am employed remotely as a full-time Teacher's Assistant/ProjectLead. After work each day I login to LambdaSchool as a part-time student in the final unit of the 18 month Full-Stack Web track. I spend a fair amount of time working on code reviews, leading stand ups, and really get a kick out of squashing bugs pair programming style.

Outside of school, I enjoy employing the latest advancements in software to help iterate on solutions to realworld problems for D-I-Y-ers like myself. Some current aspirations of mine involve web applications that help source local goods such as produce and services, reveal options for producing renewable energy at a small scale, provide suggestions for recycling plastic bottles at home based on your geolocation.

On the rare occasion that I am not in a zoom call, terminal, or slack chat; chances are you'll find me wrestling my dog or cats, turning a wrench under my jeep or just cooling it by a creek in the forest.